Author: Tom Flynn
Tom Flynn (1955-2021) was editor of Free Inquiry, executive director of the Council for Secular Humanism, director of the Robert Green Ingersoll Birthplace Museum, and editor of The New Encyclopedia of Unbelief (2007).
Leaving Religion—for ‘Religion’
Review of Why I Left / Why I Stayed: Conversations on Christianity Between an Evangelical Father and His Humanist Son, by Tony Campolo and Bart Campolo.
Another Step Forward for Freethought Literature
Review of: Village Atheists: How America’s Unbelievers Made Their Way in a Godly Nation
Introduction: From an Unlikely Quarter, a New View of the Is-Ought Problem
“The subjective sense of mattering may be the reality toward which all those sterile controversies about an objective meaning in life were ointing all along.”
For Seculars, Challenges Ahead
“Trump has been the ‘box of chocolates’ president-elect: you never know what you’re going to get.”
This article is available for free to all.The Nones Become Many More
“Why did the majority of respondents who ‘just stopped believing’ do so?”
The Great Agnostic Would Be Proud
The memory of Robert Green Ingersoll is being preserved on many fronts.
“… Free Inquiry presents a large-scale reappraisal of humanism’s outsized role in social-justice activism throughout he twentieth century.”
What Doesn’t Atheism Mean?
Why should the kind of atheist one is incline anyone to adopt a specific, rather narrow set of values?
Maybe It’s the Cabin Pressure
Why what the pope says in airplanes may not matter—and why our efforts to stem climate disaster may not either.
Religious History without a Prayer
“Beneath Jacoby’s gaze, each conversion proves exp licable without treating the ‘spiritual’ matters—often thought central to any conversion experience—as in any way causally significant.”
A New Perspective on Roe v. Wade
“With measured tones and expert scholarship, Mary Ziegler demonstrates that almost everything most of us think we know about Roe and its consequences is incorrect.”
Social scientists don’t use the word secular like we do—just one of the revelations in this far-ranging cover feature.
The Evolution of Atheism: The Politics of a Modern Movement
“. . . LeDrew’s attempts to weave a sweeping, if somewhat conspiratorial, analysis of it all too often founder, usually on the rocks of his incomplete knowledge of the movement’s nineteenth- and twentieth- century history.”
This article is available for free to all.Atheodicy and the Impossibility of God: Epilogue
The necessity of atheodicy—and why humanists and atheists who’ve been harmed by religion will see it most clearly.
This article is available for free to all.China’s One-Child Policy: A Requiem
Even China was unprepared to do what will be necessary to not just stop population growth but to reduce human numbers to a sustainable level.
Move Upstream: A Call to Solve Overpopulation
“Unfortunately, most environmental-conservation charities want nothing to do with overpopulation concerns.”
Humans created “God,” not the other way around. Better that we take that lesson before we finish wrecking the planet.
Two Nations, One Abyss
Still think of Turkey and India as secular democracies? Think again: both countries are close to theocracy.
This article is available for free to all.The Bombastic ‘Mr. Atheist Pants’
A review of Fighting God: An Atheist Manifesto for a Religious World, by David Silverman.
If This Be Blasphemy, Let Us Make the Most of It
The arguments favoring the right to blaspheme have changed little in nine years. But they’re still right.
This article is available for free to all.Introduction
I expected to be frustrated when I searched’s Books department on the keyword afterlife. I wasn’t disappointed. (Or should I say that I was disappointed?)
Where Have All the Anti-altruists Gone?
Science settled the question whether altruism is real, and most of us never noticed.
Call It Terrorism
A review of Living in the Crosshairs: The Untold Stories of Anti-Abortion Terrorism, by David S. Cohen and Krysten Connon.
Too often, experts on climate change, environmental depletion, and species loss go out of their way not to discuss population’s relevance to their concerns.
This article is available for free to all.Overpopulation, Immigration, and the Human Future
Today’s myriad ecological crises can never be solved without a major commitment not just to control but to reduce human numbers.
This article is available for free to all.Introduction
An invitation for readers to speak their minds on the enduring crises of the Middle East.
Perhaps the World’s Shortest Argument Against Israel
Israel may mean well, but it is—unavoidably—built on discriminatory principles that most secularists would abhor in any other context.
This article is available for free to all.The CFI Merger in Context
The recent merger into CFI marks a culmination of two movements’ histories.
This article is available for free to all.Deadly Serious
Published before the Islamic attack on the office of Charlie Hebdo, this book takes on even greater relevance in the massacre’s wake.
Secularism Humanism: Not a Religion
Conceding from its opening move that humanism is a religion, the American Humanist Association damaged the movement while defending one prisoner’s rights.
This article is available for free to all.Thirty Years Yule Free
A look back at thirty years of skipping Christmas and at how things are different now.
The Sociologists Are In
A review of Atheist Awakening: Secular Activism and Community in America, by Richard Cimino and Christopher Smith.
What is religion good for? For secular humanists on the atheist side of the spectrum, the reflexive answer is often ‘Nothing much.’
Annus Horribilis
Winning future church-state lawsuits may require us to step away from the familiar arena of “religious freedom” and into the more inclusive arena of freedom of conscience.
This article is available for free to all.Brain States All the Way Down
Like spirit, words such as transcendence and reverence can’t help making us sound like we still believe in woo.
This article is available for free to all.Secularism and Secular Humanism
“Among today’s students, what does it mean to be secular—in other words, how do they understand that term?”