Author: Marc Schaus
Marc Schaus is a debut Canadian author who has recently published his first book on the rise of secularism and religious nonbelief around the world. Marc has previously completed research in neuroscience labs mapping out neural networks in the brain—and has also appeared in digital print on Patheos and The Huffington Post. His primary research focus, now, is how the transition from belief to nonbelief “works” in the human brain and why twenty-first–century life is creating a cognitive advantage for secular, so-called superstitionless belief systems. His latest book, Post Secular: Science, Humanism and the Future of Faith was published this year.
Secular Mythology
What do you think of when you hear the word mythology? Many of us tend to picture a culture’s “mythology” as a collection of stories and personal narratives particular to that social group and their way of life—usually with the most popular and enduring myths of each culture intending to explain key features of social life, …
Fantasyland: How America Went Haywire: A 500 Year History
America’s religious liberty impulse and its Enlightenment impulse have been magnified over time and now tilt overwhelmingly toward the former.