
Marc Alan Di Martino

What is the secret of such inwardness?
She’s disappeared into herself again
skating across the ice of consciousness
her movements indistinguishable from pain.

Is this my mother or the Virgin Mary?
I do not recognize this pious poise
seated at the bed’s edge, solitary,
indifferent to the tenor of my voice.

She mumbles in an ad hoc prayer tongue
of interchangeable syllabic beats
spoken, yet simultaneously sung.
Meaning is secondary to such feats.

Nothing can stand between her and her God.
I cannot hope to follow her footsteps
regardless how I question, poke or prod;
only her eyes will answer from the depths.

Marc Alan Di Martino

Marc Alan Di Martino is a Pushcart-nominated poet and author of the collection Unburial (Kelsay Books, 2019). His work appears in Rattle, Baltimore Review, Palette Poetry, Valparaiso Poetry Review, and many other journals and anthologies. His second collection, Still Life with City, is forthcoming from Pski's Porch in 2020. He lives in Italy.

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